Qualitative feedback points to concerns about speeding particularly on 8th, Monroe, W. Broadway and Charnelton as well as desire for a stop sign by New Frontier. Also Park Safety, and a desire for more neighborhood events and smaller scale micro-hood meet ups.
of the N=122 of those who took the survey:
71% Owner Occupied
27% Renter
3% other
Largest Group was 65+ @32%
42% 55+
33% 35-54
15% 34 and under
Public Safety Concerns
Pretty even distribution between different types of property crime for the top concern.
Quality of Life Concerns
Litter and vandalism topped the list but closely followed by anti-social behavior (e.g. public drug use/smoking, belligerence).
Next was cost of living/rent
40% had attended an JWN event or meeting in the last 12 months.
What residents like most.
Centrally located followed by trees
Parks, variety, architecture, friendly neighbors, and pedestrian/bike friendly all tied for 3rd
Accessing JWN Media
While obviously skewed as to where you would get access to the survey, analog sources, esp. yard signs, came in strong.
77% listed eNews
58% yard signs
56% newsletters
43% postcards
36% Nextdoor
33% Website
25% Facebook
26 people left their names and emails to be added to the Volunteer listserv.
Full Statistical Report Here (no individual response data): Data_JWN 2019 Priorities Survey