2023/24 JWN Executive Board.

  • Chair: Ted M. Coopman
  • Vice Chair: Sandra Bishop
  • At-Large Position #1: Peter Borden
  • At-Large Position #2: Stephanie Coopman
  • At-Large Position #3: Sue Cummings
  • At-Large Position #4: Rene Kane
  • At-Large Position #5: Penny Melquist

April General Meeting

April 11, 6:30-8:30PM at the First United Methodist Church,
1376 Olive Street, and via Zoom
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 6002 0294
Passcode: 039245

On the Agenda

  • JWN Executive Board Elections
  • Q&A with City Councilors postponed until fall

As per JWN Bylaws, announcements for elections were mailed to every JWN address, sent via this eNews, and posted on the JWN website. The Jefferson Westside Neighbors Nominating Committee comprised of Joyce Graves, Tom Happy, and Dave Hurst puts forward the following slate for 2023/24 JWN Executive Board.

  • Chair: Ted M. Coopman
  • Vice Chair: Sandra Bishop
  • At-Large Position #1: Peter Borden
  • At-Large Position #2: Stephanie Coopman
  • At-Large Position #3: Sue Cummings
  • At-Large Position #4: Rene Kane
  • At-Large Position #5: Penny Melquist

NOTE: A group of seven neighbors announced Saturday they intend to nominate additional candidates from the floor during the meeting.

Eligibility: To vote you must live within the boundaries of the JWN (own or rent), or own property or a business located in the JWN, or be a manager of a business or a director of a nonprofit organization located in the JWN.

Votes may be cast online or in-person following these procedures:

  • In-person members must sign in at the meeting with their address to receive a numbered paper ballot for each position.
  • Online members must sign in via the Zoom chat function and will vote via chat with their name, street address, and preferred candidate for each position. Members of the same household can vote on one device with each person entering their own name and the address.

JWN Bylaws do not require an anonymous ballot. The hybrid meeting format is new, so please bear with us as we seek ways to conduct a valid and transparent election.

Each position is elected separately and in order. Candidates must get at least six votes to win.

Full Zoom invite
Topic: April 2023 JWN General Meeting
Time: Apr 11, 2023 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 6002 0294
Passcode: 039245
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We have a tight schedule to hear from each candidate and vote for each position in two hours. Therefore, the election will start promptly at 6:30pm, so we won’t have our usual announcements or public comments. Thank you for your understanding.

The Chair and Vice Chair candidates, as designated leadership positions, will each have 2 minutes for a statement, Nominating Committee candidates first, floor nomination candidates second. Then each candidate will have 5 minutes to answer audience questions with floor nomination candidates first and Nominating Committee candidates second.

For at-large positions, candidates will each have 1 minute for a statement, Nominating Committee candidates first, floor nomination candidates second. Then each candidate will have 3 minutes to answer audience questions, with floor nomination candidates first and Nominating Committee candidates second.

Due to time constraints, not everyone will be able to ask questions. Moderators will do their best to elicit questions from a wide range of neighbors (that is, avoid a few people asking all the questions) and balance questions between Zoom and in-person attendees.

Candidate Statements

Chair: Ted M. Coopman

  1. What are the 2 main things you hope to accomplish in the coming year if elected to the JWN Board? Work to re-develop the Jefferson Park DOLA and entrance to the Fern Ridge Path to make it more inviting; Work with Lane Events Center on their 20 year Development Plan; advocate for sidewalk repairs. Expand eNews subcribers.
  2. Please share any relevant personal experience that you feel prepares you for this role (1 or2 sentences is fine). I served on the JWN Board since 2016 and as Chair since 2018, I have been a member of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce Business Leaders Task Force on Homelessness (data and accountability sub-committees) since its inception. I regularly coordinate on homeless response in West Eugene with Eugene Business Alliance.
  3. Board service entails attendance at monthly board and 8 general meetings (Jan – May and Sept – Nov), and occasional committee work (5-10 hours/mo.). Can you commit the time necessary to serve? Yes.
  4. Optional) Do you have experience working collaboratively in small groups? yes

Vice Chair: Sandra Bishop

  1. What are the 2 main things you hope to accomplish in the coming year if elected to the JWN Board? Become more familiar with all the projects and incentives that the neighborhood group is working on, and find the best way to contribute to helping stabilize and protect the neighborhood from incompatible development that would threaten or destroy existing housing.
  2. Please share any relevant personal experience that you feel prepares you for this role (1 or 2 sentences is fine). Long-time resident of Eugene, since coming here originally to attend UO. Own an historic building (10th & Jefferson) with 5 rental units, where we lived for more than 30 years. Am committed to maintaining lower cost rentals at that site. Served for 10 years as an elected EWEB (Eugene Water & Electric Board) Commissioner. Career in state level government relations. Experience as an investigative journalist, writer and editor.
  3. Board service entails attendance at monthly board and 8 general meetings (Jan – May and Sept – Nov), and occasional committee work (5-10 hours/mo.).  Can you commit the time necessary to serve? Yes.
  4. (Optional) Do you have experience working collaboratively in small groups? Yes. I have extensive communications training and have worked collaboratively with small groups of very diverse individuals to come to agreement and accomplish group aims.

Open Position #1: Peter Borden

  1. What are the 2 main things you hope to accomplish in the coming year if elected to the JWN Board?
    Increase energy, and awareness, and make plans/improvements to the Jefferson Westside DOLA, and EWEB Substation behind the Fairgrounds. I’d like to organize a community walk and assist with the neighborhood picnic. Generally, increase neighborhood connections through events, and online engagement. More specifically this looks like creating an engagement plan and calendar.
  2. Please share any relevant personal experience that you feel prepares you for this role (1 or2 sentences is fine).
    This will be a new role for me, and a similar or related experience would be; college student government, interfacing with the operations and state entities, operating a business doing community outreach, and volunteering with organizations over the years doing community work.
  3. Board service entails attendance at monthly board and 8 general meetings (Jan – May and Sept – Nov), and occasional committee work (5-10 hours/mo.). Can you commit the time necessary to serve? Yes.
  4. (Optional) Do you have experience working collaboratively in small groups? [forthcoming
    Yes. (Student Government and business partnerships on projects or events.)

Open Position #2: Stephanie Coopman

  1. What are the 2 main things you hope to accomplish in the coming year if elected to the JWN Board? Continue with outreach work: JWN paper newsletter and other mailers. Continue chairing the Historic District Task Force and moving forward with the task force’s work
  2. Please share any relevant personal experience that you feel prepares you for this role (1 or 2 sentences is fine). I’ve served on the board for 3 years. I’ve volunteered for leadership and member roles in groups and committees for several professional organizations.
  3. Board service entails attendance at monthly board and 8 general meetings (Jan – May and Sept – Nov), and occasional committee work (5-10 hours/mo.).  Can you commit the time necessary to serve? yes
  4. (Optional) Do you have experience working collaboratively in small groups? Yes, I’ve worked collaboratively with many small groups, including the JWN Executive Board and the JWN Outreach Committee.

Open Position #3: Sue Cummings

  1. What are the 2 main things you hope to accomplish in the coming year if elected to the JWN Board?
    Continue to search for ways to maintain the charm of the JWN by preserving existing housing while adding new housing, with the intention that the neighborhood will continue to be a place where all people will be welcome, there will be lots of green space and a healthy environment. Continuing my support for the work that has been done to create affordable housing at the Naval Reserve Site. Working on the Historic District Task Force to find ways to preserve existing housing, some of which provides affordable housing.
  2. Please share any relevant personal experience that you feel prepares you for this role (1 or 2 sentences is fine).
    I have served on the board since 2009 and have lived in the neighborhood since 2001. I have a good sense of all of the different issues the neighborhood faces.
  3. Board service entails attendance at monthly board and 8 general meetings (Jan – May and Sept – Nov), and occasional committee work (5-10 hours/mo.). Can you commit the time necessary to serve? I have been able to attend most meetings since I have been on the board and will continue to do so.
  4. (Optional) Do you have experience working collaboratively in small groups?
    Yes – see above.

Open Position #4: Rene Kane

  1. What are the 2 main things you hope to accomplish in the coming year if elected to the JWN Board? – Our strength as a neighborhood organization lies in our connection with one another and our effective advocacy for our neighborhood and our neighbors. I’d like to further our work in reaching and involving people we haven’t reached before. – We should work with other neighborhood associations and our elected officials to make sure that a) the accomplishments and activities of Eugene’s neighborhood associations are visible and celebrated; and b) that support and funding for the city’s neighborhoods program is consistent, secure and fairly applied.
  2. Please share any relevant personal experience that you feel prepares you for this role (1 or 2 sentences is fine).
  3. I’m a former chair of JWN and have served on the board for a total of 5 years. I retired from the city of Eugene where I worked with all of our neighborhood associations on leadership development, community engagement, board development and event planning. I’ve also served as acting co-chair of the Neighborhood Leaders Council (a role that rotates among neighborhood associations) and I currently serve the group by managing their listservs and communications, and supporting the acting co-chairs.
  4. Board service entails attendance at monthly board and 8 general meetings (Jan – May and Sept – Nov), and occasional committee work (5-10 hours/mo.).  Can you commit the time necessary to serve? ****** Definitely!
  5. Optional) Do you have experience working collaboratively in small groups? Yes, a lot!

Open Position #5: Penny Melquist

  1. What are the 2 main things you hope to accomplish in the coming year if elected to the
    JWN Board?
    a. To learn more about the needs of the neighborhood and see where I can make an impact.
    b. To protect our neighborhood from being impacted negatively by outsiders, institutions, etc.
  2. Please share any relevant personal experience that you feel prepares you for this role (1 or 2 sentences is fine).
    I have had decades of working within teams, as a team member and a leader with various personalities, backgrounds,experiences, and cultures. I have had to listen and communicate clearly and professionally so that all parties can work towards their goals in a respectful environment.
  3. Board service entails attendance at monthly board and 8 general meetings (Jan – May and Sept – Nov), and occasional committee work (5-10 hours/mo.). Can you commit the time necessary to serve? Yes, but there will be times where my professional work will impact my volunteer work. I will work as proactively as possible but my professional role is my priority if the 2 commitments overlap.
  4. (Optional) Do you have experience working collaboratively in small groups?
    All of my roles have been within or leading teams, from my professional roles, to my role as a coach and lifelong athlete.