JWN Executive Board Elections
Candidate submissions for the 2024/25 Term Deadlines
Contact Us to Request a Candidate Information Sheet
All Board positions (Chair, Vice Chair, and five member-at-large positions) are open every year. View the JWN Bylaws for details.
  • March 9: Deadline for candidates to declare their intention to stand for election. Candidates are supplied a candidate information sheet. Candidates should send an email to jwneugene@gmail.com
  • March 19: Deadline for candidates to submit required bio and answer candidate questionnaire.
  • March 25: Completion and submission of voter’s guide.
  • March 26: Deadline for publication of voter’s guide on JWN website.
  • April 1: Ballot is complete and sent for photocopying.
  • April 9: General meeting and election.

JWN February 13 General Meeting
Meeting starts @ 6:30-8:30pm
FUMC 1376 Olive
Watch the meeting streamed via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 4753 4561
Passcode: 597667

Bring a Snack to share!

  • 6:30-7:00 Introductions, Announcements, Comments, New Business
  • 7:00-7:30: Sidewalks: Professor Anne Brown of UO on their sidewalk survey project and Jody Trendler, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Eugene on the developing city sidewalk plan. [Download Slides]
  • 7:30-8:00: Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness with David Monk
  • 8:00-8:30: Judy Newman, 4J Board Member on the “Yes for 4J Schools” Campaign