Opportunity Villages invites you to Third Anniversary Open House

You’re invited to the Third Anniversary Opportunity Village Eugene Open House on Saturday, June 10, 1-5 pm. Please come any time during those hours and spend time with Opportunity Village residents and Board members and experience a bit of community life at the Village.

We’ll have some raffle and silent auction items – it’s a fundraiser for the Village too. You can take a tour. Some “Flavor of the Village” workshops will bring guests and residents together to paint a mural on a bungalow, build a garden bed, or some other beautification project. There will be a short program at 2:00 pm.


Eugene Planning Commission
Monday April 17th, 2017
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Sloat Room, Atrium Building
99 W 10th, Eugene
The second of three scheduled UGB deliberations by the Eugene Planning Commission will be held on April 17th (Monday). Monday’s deliberations will focus on the proposed Clear Lake Overlay Zone, which seeks to meet our community vision of ample economic opportunities for all community members while addressing concerns related to environmental justice and neighborhood livability.