The Lane Events Center (LEC) is updating its Master Plan to help guide investment in the property overthe next 10 to 20 years. The process, which will take place over the next six months, is beginning with a community survey.

The survey is open to everyone in Lane County and is available at through Monday, February24.

It is available in English and Spanish. You can find a direct link to the survey below:

English Survey:

Spanish Survey:

The Master Plan process will help Lane County:

  • Conduct an engagement process that gathers diverse perspectives and ideas
  • Identify community needs, values, and priorities
  • Shape a shared vision for Lane Events Center
  • Develop community-guided designs concepts to bring the vision to life
  • There will be open houses to gather community input this spring.

The proposed plan will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for possible adoption this summer.

Visit the JWN’s Lane Events Center Master Plan page for current information and an overview of the process to date.

Join us for our next Disaster Preparedness Meeting – all neighbors are welcome – you can just show up!

For more information visit our Emergency Preparedness webpage.

Next Meeting: February, 27, 12-2pm
Usually Every 4th Thursday, 12-1 pm, for discussion until 2pm for more networking.

NEW LOCATION: Grace Fellowship Church, 834 Monroe St, Eugene
Special Thanks to GFC and Pastor Eddie for Hosting

Notes: Enter on the south side of the church complex. Off-street parking is available near the south entrance if needed. Secure building with locked entry door, so please come a few minutes before start time if possible. If you come later, ring the buzzer for entry.