March General Meeting and Candidate Forum

Tuesday, March 12, 6:30-8:30
In-person, First United Methodist Church
1376 Olive Street

  • Each candidate will have 3 minutes for an opening statement.
  • Moderated Q & A (approx. 30 mins). Audience questions will be in writing from neighborhood residents only or from the moderator.
  • Each candidate will have 2 minutes for closing remarks.

Each neighborhood resident will be given a blank index card (or recycled equivalent) when they check in. Only residents within the neighborhood boundaries will have the opportunity to submit a written question.

Duration of the forum is expected to be approximately 60 minutes, but the moderator will have discretion to extend the forum until 8PM.

Answers to questions may be limited to one minute if recommended by the moderator.

Rebecca Hansen-White, KLCC public radio journalist, will moderator the Q & A portion of the forum.

Watch the event via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 825 6611 7369
Passcode: 037185

Candidates’ Websites  (in alphabetical order)
Website not listed? Contact us.
Ward 1 (Please note that our incumbent city councilor Emily Semple is not standing for re-election.)
Mayoral Candidates
Ballot Initiatives

Tuesday, February 20, 6:30-8:30

Agenda TBA

Note: guest may speak during the comment period at the beginning of the meeting, but thereafter must mute and turn off video to observe.

Ted Coopman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: JWN February Board
Time: Feb 20, 2024 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 8394 1478
Passcode: 601681

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