
JWN General Meetings

2025 Schedule

  • January 14: Dessert Potluck, music, and learn to play cribbage!
  • February 11:
    • Amanda Coers from our new local newspaper, LookOut Eugene Springfield [rescheduled to May]
    • Dr. Lesley Jo Weaver, U of O, on results of neighborhood homeless impacts study
    • Corey Buller, LEC Update on master plan process
  • March 11: Disaster Preparedness Workshop
  • April 8: Board Elections + Spring Party
  • May 13:
    • Meet Eliza Kashinsky, our new Ward 1 City Councilor
    • Amanda Coers from our new local newspaper, LookOut Eugene Springfield
    • TBD

Contact us for information

Second Tuesday of each month (no meetings June, July, August, December)
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
First United Methodist Church; 1376 Olive Street and via Zoom
The First United Methodist Church is not affiliated with the JWN and we thank them for providing this meeting space.

If you have an announcement for the JWN membership, please notify the Chair at least four days prior to the meeting.

Why Tuesday Nights?

Some neighbors expressed dismay at Tuesday evening meetings and that some other days should be explored that would be more convenient. Setting aside convenience, no time/day is “convenient,” there is a good reason why the JWN settled on Tuesdays.

What about weekends?
Some folks suggested weekend meetings as being especially friendly to families with kids. There are multiple reasons why weekends won’t work:

  1. Neighborhood meetings are focused on having city, county, businesses, and non-profits come in and inform neighbors and answer questions. City and county staff do not work on weekends and neither do most non-profit or business staff.
  2. Saturday and Sunday are days of religious observance.
  3. People like to recreate on weekends and are more likely to go out-of-town.
  4. Many events that are much more fun than a neighborhood meeting are on weekends.

Why not another day of the week?
The Eugene City Council meets on Monday and Wednesdays, so if we want our elected officials, City Manager, or other city management to be able to come our meetings, we can’t meet those days. That leaves Thursday, not significantly different than a Tuesday, or Fridays, whose proximity to the weekend is a problem. No time or day is going to work for everyone and the desire to attend means prioritizing attendance, making the time because it is important to you.

JWN General Meeting Minutes/Recap
Recap of GM meetings are in the monthly eNews

JWN Executive Board Meetings
Third Tuesday of each month (via Zoom until further notice)
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Start and end times may vary. Check agenda.)
When in-person, McNail-Riley house NW corner of Jefferson St. and W. 13th Ave.)
The public is welcome to attend JWN Executive Board meetings, please contact us to confirm the time/date in the advent of changes.

Minutes are reviewed and voted on to be approved at the Board meeting following the meeting for the minutes, so typically a at least a month delay.







2018 and before

Time is allotted at the start of each meeting for announcements and comments from non-board members. If you have an announcement for the board, or you would like to suggest a topic to be considered at a board meeting, please notify the Chair at least four days prior to the board meeting.