From the JWN Charter: The Neighborhood shall encompass the area bounded by 7th Avenue to the north, 18th Avenue to the south, and Chambers Street to the west. The eastern boundary is Willamette Street between 18th and 13th avenue, then by Lawrence Street from 13th Avenue to the alley between 7th and 8th Avenues, west on the alley to Washington Street, finally north on Washington to 7th Avenue
Know Your Neighborhood
Based on most recent census data from Statistical Atlas.
Check out more interesting data on the JWN
Population: 7552
(Race as self-identified)
79.17% White (81% for Eugene and 78% for Oregon as a whole)
10.98% Hispanic
.99% Black
3.09% Asian
4.17% Mixed
Selected (largest groups)
30% of residents are in their 20s
57% are single
54% have post secondary degree (under a BA) and 29% have a BA
76% are renters
28% are employed in either food service or sales