Welcome to the Jefferson Westside Neighbors (JWN) website.
The JWN is a chartered neighborhood association in Eugene, OR.
What Exactly is a Neighborhood Association?
Good question. It can be confusing even for long-time neighbors. Technically, the JWN is chartered by the city and is responsible for a defined geographic area. We get a small budget restricted to certain activities (mostly outreach like the eNews or paper mailers) and must follow our bylaws, hold elections, and file yearly reports. Our position provides more access (e.g., more likely to get a response) from city management, staff, and elected officials. In turn we provide an avenue to connect neighbors to government and other public facing entities. We are explicitly charged with providing input on land use issues and holding the required public meetings on proposed development.
Neighborhood Associations were created to provide a way for neighborhoods to communicate, organize, and advocate to address issues of common concern, as well as protect and improve our neighborhoods. We are not a “Homeowners Association,” nor do we “represent” (like elected officials) everyone who rents, owns property, owns or manages businesses or nonprofits in the JWN. We represent those who choose to participate and get involved with the Neighborhood Association, including running for the Executive Board and voting in elections and on resolutions, motions, and issues of general concern. When the JWN takes public positions, it is based on support from those who choose to show up and vote, contact us, or otherwise engage in a collective process.
Neighborhood Associations provide infrastructure for action.