Join us for our March 11 General Meeting and Emergency Preparedness Workshop
“This meeting is intended to be a place for the respectful and civil exchange of ideas and information. We ask all in attendance to honor this ethic by keeping questions and comments civil, concise and without commentary of a personal nature. In practice, this means addressing the topic, not the presenter or the organization, and being courteous to our guests.”
6:30-8:30PM, First United Methodist Church, 1376 Olive St.
Snacks are back! Bring something to share – non-messy finger food is best.
Come and learn about basic disaster preparation; talk with EWEB and JWN Disaster Preparedness Committee and other volunteers; see hands-on displays:
- Raffle Items!
- Go-Bags: what are they are what to include.
- Water: proper storage.
- Battery Back-up: small, medium, and large options.
- Sanitation: No sewer? No problem!
- Communication: Getting information, radios, and relay networks.