Pappas Sculpture Debate

The recent press over the final stage of the decision on the repair or removal of the Pappas sculpture in Monroe Park has, as expected, drawn a lot of public concern, including charges that the process was not public or transparent.

First, the JWN and Friends of Monroe Park group have not taken a position on the Pappas sculpture. Our only demands have been that the city either take steps to repair and maintain it or to remove it. It cannot just be left to rot.

The JWN would like to emphasize that there has been a robust public outreach effort concerning this issue starting in the spring of 2016 when the Public Arts Commission contacted us about the sculpture’s future. This process included:

  • A presentation and discussion at a JWN monthly meeting (agenda was advertised).
  • Multiple articles in our monthly eNews
  • Extensive coverage on our Friends of Monroe Park page.
  • An article in our Summer 2016 Newsletter delivered to every address in the JWN
  • Postings and stories on the JWN Facebook page
  • Multiple posts on the Monroe Park listserv
  • City posted notices at Monroe Park
  • Multiple notices on JWN sandwich boards positioned at the corner of Monroe and W. Broadway and by the Monroe Park play area.

Your neighborhood association is staffed by volunteers and we can only do so much to inform the residents of the JWN.  We would argue that, in fact, we do quite well in getting the word out on issues of potential concern. However, it is incumbent on neighbors to take responsibility for being aware of neighborhood issues signing up for our eNews,  friending us on the JWN Facebook page, reading our twice-a-year newsletter, watch for our 2-3 postcards a year, and visiting this website.

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