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2025/26 JWN Executive Board Elections and Potluck Party

Stay afterward, enjoy some food, learn how to play cribbage, and talk with JWN Board members.

Bring a self-contained dish or snack to share!

Elections are April 8 and voting will take place in-person at the General Meeting
If you cannot attend, you may request an absentee ballot – view the Voter Guide 2025 for details and deadlines.
The JWN Nominations Committee (Rene Kane, Berry Broadbent, and Dave Hurst) have verified the eligibility of candidates for the 2025/2026 term. The candidates that filed their intent to stand for office by the March 10 deadline are:
  • Chair: Ted M. Coopman
  • Vice Chair: Sandra Bishop
  • At-Large Seat #1: Peter Borden
  • At-Large Seat #2: Stephanie Coopman
  • At-Large Seat #3: Sue Cummings
  • At-Large Seat #4: Mary Maude
  • At-Large Seat #5: Raechel Medina

Absentee Voting: Members who cannot attend may request an absentee ballot by requesting one from jwneugene@gmail.com.

  • Requests must include the member’s full name and complete street address. If you are a business owner or manager or director of a non-profit with a physical location in the JWN, identify your role and provide the name and address of your organization.
  • Each absentee ballot must be requested in an individual email even if members live at the same physical location.
  • Ballots will be sent as an attached file with an ID number associated with your name and address. DO NOT SHARE BALLOTS. Multiple submission using one ID number will invalidate all ballots with that ID number. All absentee ballots will be cross referenced matching the ID number, name, and address.
  • Completing Ballots: Ballots require your full name, physical address, and a signature. Members may only vote for the candidates listed. If you do not support any candidate for a particular position, write NONE.
  • Submitting Ballots:
    • Ballots may be dropped off via the mail slot at 971 W. Broadway NO LATER than noon April 8. Ballots submitted should be inside a sealed envelope that will not be open until votes are counted at the April 8 meeting.
    • Ballots must be printed and can be dropped off at the April 8 meeting by the voter or a third party but must be in the possession of the vote counter before the vote counting begins. To be safe, drop off by 6:30pm.

Guests may speak (3 min. max) during the public comment period, but this is not an opportunity to ask questions or interact with the board. If neighbors wish to present ideas, ask questions, or engage with the board they can be added to the agenda prior to a meeting. Contact us at jwneugene@gmail.com at least 5 days prior to a board meeting to be added to the agenda (always on the third Tuesday unless rescheduled or cancelled) Guests may observe the meeting with their video and audio off and must refrain from using the chat feature.

Topic: March JWN Board meeting
Time: Mar 18, 2025 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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